The film tells the story of three strong-willed individuals who struggle for control of their own dreams and each other's.
In case it hasn't been pointed out to you before, Miss Dennehy, you're a very strong-willed individual.
Both of Wright's parents were strong-willed individuals with idiosyncratic interests that they passed on to him.
We behave as strong-willed individuals within an atmosphere determined by mutual advantage.
Nancy was a strong-willed individual, however, and although she wanted to go to sleep, her brain involuntarily fought against the drug.
Each of the four members emerges as a distinctively strong-willed individual with solid political beliefs.
Peter Graf has kept his daughter's mind on tennis, although she is a strong-willed individual who gradually should become more independent.
There's some strong-willed individuals in that Democratic race.
Those "strong-willed individuals" were focusing on their own, post-Cuomo calculus today.
With a strong-willed individual, I expect there'd have to be contact every day or two.