Weitere Beispiele werden automatisch zu den Stichwörtern zugeordnet - wir garantieren ihre Korrektheit nicht.
Over the years, various street name changes have taken place.
Even the street name seems to have been a bit of a guess.
"With so many problems around, why does everyone has to pick on a street name change?"
Street names are a part of American history and language.
Street names are a serious business and nothing to be made light of.
All the street names are after his wife, children, or other family members.
I am getting to know the city now and all the street names as well.
But with the street names, you are talking about a family, not a single person.
Throughout the entire system, every station has a street name.
This can be seen in the road and street names.
It is the second high street name to run into trouble this year.
In today's world we are simply used to street names and house numbers.
For example, a picture that shows your house number or street name isn't good to post.
On this page you can search for the history of your street name.
Was he ever bothered by the street name in question?
This is the first such street name outside of Asia.
Many street names in the area were changed multiple times.
Clinton Cards is yet another high street name in trouble.
Some rates offered by high street names are even lower than 0.41pc.
Several of the street names also get their name from the novel.
Perhaps a future local street name historian will answer these and other questions.
One reason street names are changed is to honor someone, usually after the person has died.
The computer will ask to have a street name spelled.
I did not even know the street names or directions.