If they don't help that, then other more creative strategies are employed.
We need to focus on five propositions that will enable us to form a creative strategy: 1.
Would it be possible to devise a creative strategy in football without knowing the rules of the game?
The difficult part - at least before creating the advertising itself - is to evolve a creative strategy to meet the objectives.
California Watch is known for creative strategies for getting its reporting out to new audiences.
In exchange, schools receive free materials, giveaways and creative strategies to address their specific issues.
The battle for survival has led to creative strategies for getting a magazine in the public eye, and keeping it there.
We all have limited resources, and this is an example of how we have to create creative strategies.
Well discuss creative strategies later, but suffice it to say that mailing labels have long lost their impact.
On the basis of this analysis, it is possible to develop specific objectives and creative and media strategies for the advertising.