This aftermath was odd, coming only an hour following the strange disappearance of the black box that had been placed in the upstairs safe.
Even so, there have been some changes over the past year, starting with the strange disappearance of the Democratic Party.
Perhaps Bokin had actually spoken the truth about the strange disappearance of the mirrors.
His life has always been very regular, and therefore his strange disappearance is all the more amazing.
Somehow the reason for these strange disappearances must be found.
THE news drew attention to the strange disappearance of two other men from the car.
I told him nothing about the strange disappearance of the body.
In addition," the woman continued, "there've been a number of strange disappearances.
Of the strange and disturbing disappearance of Carter's second wife, nothing more was heard.
In Chapter 2, you will read about strange disappearances.