A sit-in protest by around 25 workers lasted for 18 days and made headlines around the world.
He once was suspended for leading a sit-in protest.
While he moved cautiously, southern black college students took the initiative, launching a wave of sit-in protests during the winter and spring of 1960.
"Shame on Birmingham University, which has just criminalised the sit-in protest."
After three days of sit-in protest they extracted a promise from Hazhir that he would conduct elections fairly.
These 20 were allowed inside the royal grounds to begin bast, in this case a form of sit-in protest.
About 70 members of the 290-seat Parliament, who held a sit-in protest for nearly three weeks, are expected to resign on Sunday.
While still in high school, he and a group of students participated in a sit-in protest at a segregated restaurant.
In his second year he got involved in a sit-in protest against segregation at a local movie theatre.
Opposition lawmakers in turn staged a sit-in protest and vowed to refrain from parliamentary affairs.