In his straightforward sentences, however, Krensky maintains the kind of unpatronizing, faintly ironic tone that 5-year-olds appreciate because it allows them to assume they're being let in on adult observations.
This is to say that Vann's direct style in fact hides remarkable subtlety; seemingly straightforward sentences mean what they say, and sometimes the opposite of what they say as well.
Although transportation shifted to Australia, this came to be done using straightforward sentences of transportation for a number of years or life.
In short, straightforward sentences accompanied by simple drawings, Mina tells young readers about her weekly ballet class.
Yet there are times when a straightforward sentence would be useful for purposes of clarity and emphasis.
As a test of the reader s comfort, it should be possible to convert a headline into a straightforward sentence merely by restoring the little words that have been omitted for copy fitting.
Consider the following, apparently straightforward sentence: There are many concerns that make the book very interesting indeed.
Choose well-made books with good quality print, plenty of interesting pictures, clear and concise writing with straightforward sentences and short paragraphs.
Mr. Isaacson writes simply, but his straightforward sentences sometimes turn lyrical as he spins out an image.
In the Google prospectus, Page rejected this nonsense in the kind of straightforward English sentences rarely encountered in securities filings.