Its cops nod politely to the local madams and Queen Victoria shakes a stone fist at the sea.
With a simple snap of the fingers, this dark bring commands the earth itself, allowing Berial to create vertical cliff walls and stone fists to pummel the enemy.
The crest atop it was a stone fist.
The golem, still ignoring its attacker, brought its great stone fist down upon the crowded gallery atop ROSE ESTES AND TOM WHAM the gate, breaking away a large section of the masonry, as well as smashing two hapless onlookers to screaming deaths.
The cyclops shook a stone fist at him.
But it isn't strange if you understand the basic fact of modern Chechnya, captured in the most striking piece of sculpture in Grozny, a huge stone fist with an enormous knife rsing from it.
With one stone fist, the Master struck him so hard across the side of his head that his whole body flopped suddenly.
Professor Doom, a moustachioed evil genius and arch-villain who lives in a castle, which sits atop a giant stone fist in the sky.
At either side of every thirteenth step of the staircase stood the stone image of some god, major or minor, its stone fists holding aloft a tall pole from which floated a white feather banner.
Somewhere in the park is a Sentinel Statue, a giant stone fist that was animated to become the Scarlet Sentinel by Lord Zedd in "White Light".