It has become routine, for instance, to justify humongous pay packages by saying things like, "My God, Purvis has doubled the stock-market value of this company."
Yahoo alone has a stock-market value of $6 billion.
Microsoft, today the most feared company in the software business and carrying a stock-market value of nearly $234 billion, presents a huge and highly visible antitrust target., which went public in April, had a stock-market value of about $11.6 billion, based on Friday's closing price of $81.1875 a share.
The deal resulted in a $200 billion loss in stock-market value and a $54 billion write-down in the worth of the combined company's assets.
For example, the company's stock-market value - or market capitalization - is about $23 billion, compared with about $5 billion for CBS.
Organic had a stock-market value of $1.7 billion last Friday, down two-thirds in seven weeks.
Moreover, about two-thirds of the world's stock-market value resides abroad; investing only or mostly at home means missing out on some good stocks.
The fledgling company, which sold shares to the public last year, has a current stock-market value of about $450 million.
It could conceivably involve one of every four Americans, and the potential liability could exceed the entire stock-market value of all American tobacco companies.