Stock fund management raises total expenses to at least 1.62 percent, depending on the stock account.
His clients' stock accounts are fully invested, and he says that he plans to hold these issues no matter what happens to the economy.
Any gain resulting from the operation must be immediately added into the appropriate stock account.
It may not be evident from the warrant how the duty paid relates to the stock account kept under paragraph 13.
For each such delivery of oil, show the quantities and values in the warehouse stock accounts (paragraph 13).
Refiners must keep stock accounts as described in paragraph 13.
Some are extremely wealthy, with big savings and stock accounts.
They also have relatively small holdings in stock, bank accounts and life insurance.
However, if additional records exist (for example, stock accounts) we have the right to see them.
In addition, the mills must send in data on their stock accounts at the end of every month.