The globe above their heads was hollow, else -not even the tough reinforced steel of the Tower could have supported its weight.
Its flat balanced blade was designed for throwing; whether its steel would support his bulk, Kane had only one way of determining.
He pulled steel supports out of their concrete beds and rolled them up in metal table-tops.
There are windows and glass doors, with only narrow steel supports between them, wrapping all the way around the living room.
A new roof, new floors and walls, and steel supports for the facade were installed.
Workers keep increasing the size and strength of the bridge's "stiffening trusses," the steel supports that create a box around the roadway and tracks.
The Stalls were rebuilt in a four-week period in 2000 using steel supports allowing more space underneath for two new bars.
Having reduced steel supports to powder, they were letting the doomed bridge complete its own destruction, while they made a bold getaway!
They said the project had been delayed when engineers and construction workers discovered that structural steel supports in the building needed to be fixed.
Temporary steel shoring supports the floors above, while cast-iron columns and 8,000 cubic yards of debris is removed to make way for a new hall.