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Certainly it was thought to be a part of statesmanship.
He said such a decision would be "an act of great statesmanship on their part."
But the majority will see it as a real act of statesmanship.
Britain did not have enough such statesmanship 120 years ago.
But most people here said private sin had little to do with public statesmanship.
It also challenges them to a higher order of statesmanship the next time around.
Sometimes it was on a question of real constructive statesmanship.
But statesmanship seems to have dwindled along with the money.
The need for statesmanship, good citizenship and common sense is greater than ever.
But in the name of statesmanship I had come into considerable executive influence.
My first lesson in the craft of statesmanship was taken at an early age.
I, too, was rather taken aback by this act of statesmanship.
That principle lay at the bottom of all Washington's statesmanship.
"Now is the time for the Shiites to exercise statesmanship."
The highest form of statesmanship is to find ways to bring people towards our goal.
The difficult decisions presidents must make require either political skills or statesmanship.
In the end, however, the warring parties will have to show a little statesmanship.
Statesmanship is the ability to distinguish between a reason and an excuse.
"The current system promotes tenure over statesmanship," he said today.
"They will expect no great statesmanship from such a youthful heir."
- the Answer to all practical questions of leadership and statesmanship.
Nor should we seek a return to the era of industrial statesmanship.
"As God starts taking you up, you have to practice more statesmanship."
First of all, as a problem for American statesmanship, this present situation is not really all that new.
Truly wise statesmanship would then quickly move to address the despair.