The last 10 years of life, he was a regular collaborator of the Children's Television.
Both brothers are also regular live collaborators with William D. Drake.
After the death of his regular collaborator, lyricist Shailendra, Chowdhury was looking for another writer.
They have been regular collaborators ever since.
But Mr. Murray isn't working with that group - he's brought another set of regular collaborators together to help him out.
Brooks chose Hans Zimmer to compose the score of the film as they were good friends and regular collaborators.
Kieślowski worked with several regular collaborators for the first time on No End.
Throughout the 1920s he was a regular collaborator with clarinetist George Lewis.
A bit of a rolling stone, De Frutos hasn't gathered many regular collaborators.
The film's original score was provided by Soderbergh's regular collaborator, Thomas Newman.