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It then looked at him again, impatiently, and squarked an impatient squark.
The superparticle of a quark is called a "squark."
In particle physics, a stop squark is the superpartner of the top quark as predicted by supersymmetry.
All this, together, implies that the decay of the gluino can only go through a virtual particle, a high-mass squark.
Supersymmetry posits an entirely new set of particles that parallel our familiar ones, with a squark for each quark and so on.
Gluinos decay via strong interaction to a squark and a quark provided that an appropriate mass relation is satisfied.
For instance, the electron's superpartner is the selectron and the top quark's superpartner is the stop squark.
In both cases the Fayet-Iliopoulos term, which determines a squark condensate, plays the role of the noncommutativity parameter in the real moment map.
Thus the decay rate of the gluino can roughly be estimated, in natural units, as where is the gluino rest mass and the squark rest mass.
In 3-dimensions this duality relates a vector and a scalar, which in an abelian gauge theory correspond to a photon and a squark.
The squark subsequently decays to another quark and the lightest supersymmetric particle, LSP (which leaves the detector unseen).
In other theories belonging to the SUSY family, the same role can be played by the lightest squark (usually the stop, i.e. the partner of the top quark).
While the top quark is the heaviest known quark, the stop squark is actually often the lightest squark in many supersymmetry models.
However if gluinos are lighter than squarks, 3-body decay of a gluino to a neutralino and a quark antiquark pair is kinematically accessible through an off-shell squark.
The gluino is long lived because it can only decay into a squark and a quark and because the squarks are so heavy and these decays are highly suppressed.
In recent years, hundreds of physicists working at the world's most powerful particle accelerators have sought to create and identify just one supersymmetric sparticle - a "photino," a "gluino" or a "squark," for instance - but all efforts have so far failed.
These include the sup squark, sdown squark, scharm squark, sstrange squark, stop squark, and sbottom squark.