That way they could be a goodly distance away from the village before anyone started searching for the captive.
Driving a goodly distance to get to a fine concert does not seem nearly so daunting at this time of year.
Maybe he's a goodly distance away and using binoculars, but I don't think so.
I only saw her once, from a goodly distance.
We were a mile up by then and a goodly distance away.
Passersby pressed themselves up against the walls to the side, a goodly distance away.
W6 were still a goodly distance away, so all we could do was to continue on in this direction.
He turned in his saddle, checking that the others were still coming, if a goodly distance behind.
I could see a goodly distance down his throat, and observed with relief that it wasn't cut.
They were still a goodly distance from the forest, and he had little liking to camp out in the open another night.