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"Why not have a few friends over and split the cost?"
The Federal, state and city governments will split the cost.
Or rent a car if I can split the costs.
And the companies would split the costs of the combined operation.
The state and localities split the cost of the program.
I finally convinced him to split the cost of a cleaning service.
Failing that, your mother and the others who need it might offer to split the cost.
Another idea is to split the cost of radio adverts.
The two best friends had split the cost of their first board, which at the time was around $275.
The state and the county split the cost of the program, which serves children from infancy to age 5.
Three would buy, and we'd all split the cost.
"Or are you splitting the cost with your friend?"
I would love to have somebody to team up with to split the costs of the trip, so if interested send a message my way.
With that said, you'll get more value for your money if you can split the costs with someone.
The nanny earns more, and parents save by splitting the cost.
The players split the cost and used friends or their mothers as baby sitters.
My girlfriend and I agreed to split the costs of couples therapy.
The only question is how to split the costs, which could mount into the billions over coming years, between government and the aviation industry.
Maryland, too, has passed a bill requiring the state and counties to split the costs of a new system.
If the state and city have to repay the $81 million, they are expected to split the cost.
This is why I propose splitting the costs between the first holder and the manufacturer.
The bill ends the 60-year-old entitlement that requires Washington to split the costs of state welfare programs.
They can then exchange spare shoes, splitting the cost.
If you get a roommate, he or she could split the costs of the flat with you.
If there is not a practical way to divide the responsibilities, organizations in the pool will split the cost.