I will link the two by a waterfall, because my garden is split level.
You had a split second to make the decision at gut level, and you wanted to live.
In the late 1950's and early 60's, it was all split levels.
He described the houses they have torn down as primarily 1960's raised ranches and split levels that were never improved.
Besides the older houses, Tottenville also has ranches and split levels dating from the 50's to the present.
"It's a 'splanch' - a cross between a split level and a ranch," she said.
The split level has two or three short sets of stairs, and three or four levels.
A split level is definitely less than 15 feet from the window to the ground.
But this one is a split level, handily appointed with an on-stage Jacuzzi.
Mid-range postwar ranches and split levels on both sides of the tracks go for $110,000 to $160,000.