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The 561 area code has since split forming area code 772.
This creates a pictorial technique juxtaposing emerging split forms.
Bangladesh split form Pakistan in 1971.
During this time, Arthur "quarrelled" with Henry, and it is possible that a split formed between the siblings.
In odd dimension, the split form is the almost-middle group O(n,n+1).
After splitting form the garden club, I wondered why they didn't call themselves the Splinter Group.
Kildare the lin splits form the Cork line.
E is the U-duality group of supergravity on an eight-torus (in its split form).
I wanted to get my first 'epic' together, so it looks like a split forming (at the time of the "Second Album")."
A second split forming the Roho Israel Church of God took place in 1963.
The split form corresponds to the Satake diagram with no vertices blackened and no arrows.
A half-wave plate followed by a polarizing beam splitter form a variable attenuator and this combination is often used in optical systems.
In March 2007, it was announced that the L-V polynomials had been calculated for the split form of E.
It used to be in Area code 908, until January 1, 1997 when 908 was split forming Area code 732.
These yield split forms (over any field K) and compact forms (over R) of generalized magic squares.
It was founded in 1987 when it split form Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist.
Between 1824 and 1832 the order split form the main congregation; the Basilian Chouerite Order.
As Northfield was subdivided in the following years, a final split formed the towns of Pittsford and Henrietta in 1814.
The split forms of the composition algebras and Lie algebras can be defined over any field K. This yields the following magic square.
The split formed by the two terminals contains multiple arginine and lysine residues that coordinate the three phosphoryl groups of InsP3.
She pilots the Bougailian, which is a split form from the QT-ARMS known as Bouminder.
This split formed Reliant Resources, an unregulated electricity and energy company, and Centerpoint Energy, the remaining mostly regulated energy delivery company.
In 1984, a split formed within Abnaa el-Balad, and a breakaway movement called Al Ansar emerged calling for participation in the Israeli elections.
At this point, it enters Buena Vista Township, and CR 557 splits form US 40 by heading to the southeast on Buena-Tuckahoe Road.
The Lusztig-Vogan polynomials for all other exceptional simple groups have been known for some time; the calculation for the split form of E is far longer than any other case.