Once a proper foundation has been poured which rises 12-24 inches above ground level with a splash guard, construction of the walls can begin.
High water splashed over the floodwalls onto new splash guards (designed to prevent foundation erosion), but the walls were not breached.
Leclerc T6 to T8: have an added air conditioning system on the back roof of the turret, and an extra splash guard added to the front hull.
The Cuisinart comes with a splash guard with a chute for ingredients.
Behind him the blades of the main rotor struck the pool's concrete splash guard.
Its front wheels rolled over the splash guard at the shallow end of the pool, dropping the chassis onto the flagstones.
Still under power, the rear wheels forced the undercarriage to grind over the splash guard, sliding the car forward past the balance point.
Anyone going in to see Rebecca was required to wear a leakproof N-95 respirator mask, a splash guard, a surgical hat, a gown, gloves and booties.
Dozens of smaller logs made the deck, and then Rhom built a small splash guard around the edges so that their gear would not wash overboard.
Includes 3 sizes of juicing cones to fit any size citrus, convenient splash guard, and surgical stainless steel bowl and pulp strainer.