Baptism, which is a spiritual regeneration cannot be given a second time.
This is followed by spiritual regeneration, which returns the believer to the state of holiness before Adam's transgression.
Pelagius believed that people were born pure, with God's spirit already at work, making the need for spiritual regeneration from a previous sinful state irrelevant.
Catholics and evangelicals indeed had much in common in regarding spiritual regeneration as the true end of philanthropy.
This was critical for the spiritual and social regeneration of Vedic culture in India.
At bottom, these two phenomena were by no means the ultimate causes of the social and spiritual regeneration of the Jewish people.
Was his moral redemption a fake, his spiritual regeneration based on a lie?
Here, the creation of homunculi symbolically represents spiritual regeneration and Christian soteriology.
But the narrative concerns the epitome of the Romantic hero, the man who sins and undergoes spiritual regeneration.
It proposes to accomplish by economic change what can be attained by nothing less than spiritual regeneration.