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From these you can get the ratios and differences of specific weight found between the materials.
Specific weight can be used as a characteristic property of a fluid.
Cases can arise when a fight does not occur within a specific weight class limit.
Her employers had not set a specific weight goal.
The main specialization of the city is industry, and the specific weight occupies food production.
Each type of mail must also fall within specific weight limits to be mailed at the standard rates.
They begin from high density dull glass with a specific weight, similar to that of real pearls.
Each has a specific weight and acceleration rate.
The terms specific gravity, and less often specific weight, are also used for relative density.
The only manufacturer of separators that separate grain according to the specific weight, not by the size.
The specific weight of ash can vary significantly and rain can increase this by 50-100%.
Barium has a medium specific weight and good electrical conductivity.
Fly rods are designed to cast fly lines of a specific weight.
The wood is colored greenish-grey with a specific weight of 50g per cubic cm.
Dr. Andersen said that men are also less likely than women to speak of trying to achieve a specific weight goal or clothing size.
Since the specific weight of copper is only thirty per cent lower than that of silver.
Specific weight is used as a property of soil often used to solve earthwork problems.
Combat sports commonly have defined weight classes with specific weight limits.
The fluid must have a high specific weight, as the motionless bodies were lying on the surface, barely submerged.
A specific weight, or measure, or size to be verifiably countable.
The centrifugal force will separate the red blood cells from other cells due to their high specific weight.
Lucha libre uses a more specific weight class system to classify titles.
The specific weight used is dictated by the data as well as considerations for computational speed.
Participation in athletic and occupational activities that have specific weight or body shape requirements also puts some men at risk of developing eating disorders.
For the supercontest, the champions had to saw a piece of wood from a log of a specific weight.