Films from overseas are also exhibited, in an international competition section, and in specially packaged programmes.
The Xbox 360 is also a specially packaged computer, but once you look inside, you realize that this console has quite a bit under the hood:
This limited edition camera is specially packaged with a leather case and strap in a beautiful keepsake box.
Some of those may be specially packaged, with some guests doing newly recorded introductions to memorable shows.
All seven discs come specially packaged and affordably priced.
However, it is aged longer and specially packaged.
Pu'er tea is specially packaged for trade, identification, and storage.
Levonorgestrel, such as Plan B or Next Choice, is specially packaged for emergency contraception.
Specially packaged supplements of the product intended for aquarium use can be purchased at specialty stores and online.
Specially packaged versions of Ableton that are custom-tailored for the controllers they are bundled with.