Subsequently, 213 organizational narratives were extracted from the transcripts, classified and analysed with the help of a specially devised computer programme.
The event lasts for 12 hours, with participants following a specially devised menu to provide maximum energy.
Dowsers who claim to be able to locate archaeological features from maps are invited to enter a specially devised competition Continue reading...
They are "a more structurally organized and ceremonial form of the sport confined, of its very nature, to a specially devised structure."
Field data for each pugmark are collected in specially devised census forms.
I may here remark that the stuffing had been devised by Peterkin specially for the occasion.
Suitable evaluation techniques may be specially devised.
Doc's auditory perception was maintained by his daily two-hour exercises on a specially devised scale of vibrations.
Under Hunt's persistent coercion, Steinfleld agreed to conduct a specially devised series of tests on them.
In a specially devised wrinkle, this American version will give viewers an opportunity to vote for the candidate of their choice.