Before the world finals, each contestant must win her national title or specially designated for Miss Teen Earth in their country.
Previously, those trains had specially designated smoking cars.
It consists of 139 buildings specially designated as software park.
It may sometimes be overcrowded on rush hours, so beware, but there are carts specially designated for women, children, and the elderly.
The Basin is specially designated for hiking only, with motorized vehicles and horses prohibited.
A group of principals concerned about safe passage has floated the idea of police-patrolled subway cars specially designated for students.
There is a place for this kind of thing, in areas that have been specially designated for it.
The final shot of the video reveals that the retirement home was specially designated for the deaf.
Judge Brieant noted that two senior judges were specially designated to serve on his court in the past year.
A nonpublic forum is not specially designated as open to public expression.