These aircraft were specially configured for instrument lay out and training capabilities allied to DC-8 operating procedures.
Its transponders and their ground coverage are specially configured to cater to the educational requirements.
The fighter jets are specially configured and named as F-15SG and expected to be delivered by 2009.
It operated Silverplate B-29s, which were specially configured to enable them to carry nuclear weapons.
An elevator may be marked with a sign noting that it is specially configured for Shabbat observance.
The major members travel in armored vehicles, typically specially configured limousines.
Botnet machines would connect to specially configured Web servers and download a new set of orders.
Sun Sounds can be heard on specially configured radios provided to its members, as well as on a telephone access system and via podcast.
The cell they brought her to was new, specially configured for the Rixwoman.
The cabin would have been specially configured to add an additional seat such that a total of 6 passengers can be accommodated in addition to the pilot.