At a special congress in December 1989 the party renounced its former "leading role" in society and adopted a program of democratic reform.
A special congress in 1964 allowed players to catch the ball a second time and removed the ban on hooking.
At a special congress last week, the Popular Movement also abandoned its commitment to Marxist-Leninism and declared itself a social democratic force.
There arose a need to conduct a new special congress in Sofia in December 1906, which never took place.
Next week the party, known as Golkar, is holding a special national congress to pick new leaders.
Following the election, a special congress is due to choose a new President in November.
The new officers were to be elected at a special congress in December.
Hungary's Communist Party is expected to formalise radical political and economic changes at its special congress on Friday.
The recommendations were expected to be ratified by a special general congress of the party on Feb. 18.
He will preside at a special congress of the National Association on May 7, 2011.