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However good the source term, though, such models get further from reality as time goes on.
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Multiple concentration source terms can be assigned any where in the model domain.
Interpolation of charge and current source terms to the field mesh.
All of them obtain modified source terms, which sometimes allow a more clear sight on the "real" sources.
The first source term on the right hand side represents vortex stretching.
The exchange between the phases is represented by source terms in conservation equations.
However, because of the complicated source term, the solution is generally too difficult to find analytically.
The source term of enthalpy is modeled using the heat release rate concept.
Especially during the early phase of an accident, important decisions have to be made from forecasts on the source term and weather conditions.
Approximations are introduced to make the source terms independent of the acoustic variables.
The source terms appear to be obstructions to the existence of a K-theory class.
Within these equations, source terms describe the acoustic sources.
The limiting source terms must consider accident sequences that could occur with a frequency greater than 10-6 per year.
All acoustic analogies require a volume integration over a source term.
For each category of accidents and malfunctions, one or more limiting source terms must be defined.
Radiation source terms and the methodologies for shielding calculations are presented.
Rules contain a source term and a target term.
This equation can be broken down into both a source term and a doublet term.
Past nuclear accidents and their source terms.
The latter is excited by the acoustic source terms, which are determined from the turbulent fluctuations.
The source terms are now much simpler, but the wave terms are less obvious.
This is over come by use of source terms that considers hysteresis and varying enthalpy-temperature relationship.
Energy source terms are added to the equations to account for the ohmic heating and radiation transport.
Ignoring the source term, the equation further reduces to: