Both sources concur that six submerged 53.3 cm torpedo tubes were included in each design.
It may have been somewhat larger; however, the ancient sources mainly concur that it included the territory of modern Angeln.
Established sources concur that there indeed was.
Ancient sources concur that Carthage had become perhaps the wealthiest city in the world via its trade and commerce, yet few remains of its riches exist.
However, other sources do not concur that Kirwan was present at the house in Munich.
In some cases it cannot be confirmed, or there is contention, as to whether the roots are in the Dutch or native tongue as sources do not always concur.
While accounts vary as to the exact strength of the two armies, all sources concur that the Mughal forces outnumbered Pratap's men.
The Roman sources do not concur about the precise character of the decoration.
However when several different sources concur on a similar perspective, whether a strength or weakness, the clarity of the message increases (King & Santana, 2010).
All sources concur with the data above except in the separately listed instances: