Less powerful sound waves can cause humans to experience nausea or discomfort.
The medium through which the sound waves travels is also an important factor.
The individual sound waves actually heat up the air a little bit and change its temperature on a wave-by-wave basis.
There is no such thing as a single sound wave.
With this special device, the figure in black was ready to pick up the sound waves from the inner room.
One approach to this has been to use various rules to try to create the proper sound waves.
And setting up the sound waves in the air at the other side.
At first I didn't know what he meant but then the first sound waves reached us.
At least the idea of the ultrasonic sound waves seemed to be working, he thought.
The new research shows the matter component of the early sound waves.
These sound waves are very important to scientist studying the Sun.
These sound waves are so powerful, they can cause a mountain to explode.
Since sound waves transmit energy and information, their absolute limit would be the speed of light.
The power moving the driver is used to emit two sound waves rather than one.
She was speaking, because there were sound waves at her mouth.
Doppler looks at how sound waves reflect off moving objects, such as blood.
A different train approach melody was used on the station, playing a sound similar to that of an ocean wave.
We'll look at how sound waves become capable of lifting objects in the next section.
These can be sound waves or beams of near-infrared light.
However, these sound waves will not actually sound like anything.