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Manufacture of rubbers by solution polymerisation requires a devolatilisation stage for the removal of solvent.
In solution polymerization, the solvent can act as a chain transfer agent.
Polyanhydrides are synthesized using either melt condensation or solution polymerization.
This is known as solution polymerization.
Further support for this conclusion came from the true solution polymerization of acrylamide, which was relatively unaffected by surfactants.
Solution polymerization is a method of industrial polymerization.
Kraton Polymers is the only company in the world using an anionic solution polymerization process to produce this type of synthetic rubber.
Solution polymerization: reaction mixture contains solvent, initiator, and monomer.
If monomer solubility is too high, particle formation may not occur and the reaction kinetics reduce to that of solution polymerization.
Acrylic resins produced via high-temperature solution polymerization are the base polymer component for many automotive coatings.
The simplest isomer is 1-octene, an alpha-olefin used primarily as a co-monomer in production of polyethylene via the solution polymerization process.
Chronologically, the first polymerization method encountered for MIP was based on "bulk" or solution polymerization.
Today superabsorbent polymers are made using one of three primary methods: gel polymerization, suspension polymerization or solution polymerization.
These include emulsion polymerization, solution polymerization, suspension polymerization, and precipitation polymerization.
PMMA is routinely produced by emulsion polymerization, solution polymerization, and bulk polymerization.
Hence, solution polymerization is mainly used for applications where the presence of a solvent is desired anyway, as is the case for varnish and adhesives.