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His symbol is a sun with a face on the solar disk.
Bright points are small active regions spread over the whole solar disk.
It was about a foot long, with an image of the goddess where the handle met the solar disk.
The relief shows a stag being held by a man, in front of a solar disk.
She is depicted with the solar disk and Wadjet, however.
It is believed that the Hors was the god of the solar disk.
The solar disk shone vermilion with a white- hot core.
"And that 'platter' is a representation of the solar disk.
The horse drawing the solar disk runs on four wheels, and the Sun itself on two.
The true solar disk was breaking over the rim of the highland beyond the Rhone.
Depictions of the rising sun often show Ra as a child contained within the solar disk.
It is named after Aten, the Egyptian god of the solar disk.
As the wife of Ra-Horakhty she is depicted with his solar disk on her head.
The solar disk was large and lurid orange.
Sunrise and sunset are commonly defined for the upper limb of the solar disk, rather than its center.
(Sometimes they appear to cross the solar disk, which is called a transit of the planet.)
The big twenty-foot-diameter bowl appeared to be aimed directly at the Sun, for the Earth was now almost in line with the solar disk.
The planets of the solar system are believed to have created gaps in a huge solar disk that existed when the Sun was young.
The window material darkened to suppress the glare as the light intensified, revealing the sharp edge of the solar disk.
He analyzed observations over the centuries of the transit of the planet Mercury across the solar disk.
The old man nodded and shuffled to the center of the room where the lamplight glinted on a solar disk carved across the floor.
Some meteorites are furthermore considered to represent the primitive material from which the accreting solar disk was formed.
It is capable of capturing an image of the full sun when pointed at the center of the solar disk.
Aten became The Aten, represented only as a solar disk.
Taking the altitude of the sun is a bit more difficult than sighting a star due to the blinding intensity of the solar disk.