Wildlife include raptors, such as the golden eagle and prairie falcon.
Birds such as turkey vultures, prairie falcons and eagles make their homes here.
Nesting success for prairie falcons is linked very closely to the squirrel abundance.
More than 100 species of bird live in the area, including golden eagle, sage grouse, and prairie falcon.
They are also a major and often primary diet item of prairie falcons (Falco mexicanus).
There are also birds of prey such as prairie falcon, red-tailed hawks, and golden eagles.
"I saw one easily chase down a prairie falcon and snatch it out of midair in its talons."
Wildlife includes mule deer, golden eagle and prairie falcon.
The Prairie Falcon eats mostly small mammals (especially in summer) and birds caught in flight.
Animals such as bighorn sheep, cougars, prairie falcons, bobcats, and pronghorn live through the region.