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Uniforms are looking better now, at least in the sociopolitical sense.
I should also like to say a quick word about the sociopolitical aspect.
Some of these, and later, sociopolitical arguments are listed here.
I've been able to make some sociopolitical statements or at least express myself through it.
"But in the current sociopolitical environment, it's a very difficult undertaking."
Seems to me there are many layers of sociopolitical commentary here.
"The gulf crisis has accelerated the process of sociopolitical change there."
Nor has it anything to do with sociopolitical studies.
I wish the exhibition had done more with the sociopolitical implications of its subject.
One of the most interesting points about modern street theatre is its unique sociopolitical place.
This could also be seen as sociopolitical concerns, which is an aspect of Realism.
Through several books and articles he contributes to the sociopolitical discourse.
A number of this season's adaptations have opted for the sociopolitical approach.
This would minimize the economic or sociopolitical consequences when the oil peak takes place.
This has affected the sociopolitical situation in the country.
The band's songs are known for their sociopolitical lyrics and content.
It is possible to address the factors that result in health inequalities through sociopolitical action.
Their sociopolitical agenda is a clear antithesis of Western values.
She argues in several books (1997, 2004, 2011) that collective sociopolitical changes are necessary.
She lets it stand as a hard sociopolitical fact, one she lives with every day.
As well, propaganda is sent on behalf of a sociopolitical institution, organization, or cause.
From 1890 onwards, he began to concern himself with sociopolitical questions and social economics.
He is an artist who attempts to connect the sociopolitical environment with the civil society through art.
"The history of the emerging markets," he said, "is littered with sociopolitical and economic problems."
All this had a dire effect on the country's sociopolitical development and produced grim consequences.