Unequaled in the ancient world, it articulated a national and social compact for an entire people under God.
"What's a Democrat good for if he's not willing to defend the social compact?"
"Over the next year or 18 months, the old social compact here is going to be under a lot of strain," a Western diplomat said.
The social compact under which the firefighters work and sometimes die is strained as never before.
"But they want her to negotiate some kind of social compact that would give them a well-defined, high-profile role in future decision making."
Under a social compact which runs until the end of 1990, the investing organizations will pay lower income taxes.
South Africa needs a new social compact for its construction industry.
When next we have to do something that requires this view, we'll have to remake the social compact first.
Instead, they are proposing a new social compact, one emphasizing neurological pluralism.
How, you may ask, could I be ecstatic in a country where the social compact is so disastrously eroded?