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That would have been almost all farmers of the estate subject to socage.
The law is silent on this but taking the judgment at face value states they exist still as "free socage".
In 1925 the tenure was converted into common socage.
Petty serjeanty came to be treated as "socage in effect".
The tradition was also found across many rural areas of England where lands were held in tenure by socage.
Wool weavers and tanners had to pay socage, a special kind of tax.
It was more correctly described as socage tenure, subject to the custom of gavelkind.
These cities had a duty of socage.
Forms no longer used include socage and burgage.
Both these were incidents of socage tenure.
The sole surviving form in the United States is that species of freehold known as free socage.
Taxes such as socage duty, tithes and local customs duties were abolished.
One exception to this was common socage-owners of land held as socage held it subject only to the Crown.
Initially the peasants succeeded in getting the lords to waiver all duties, socage and interest.
The incidents of socage tenure consisted of fixed, and nominal, agricultural services.
By the 14th century the manor had been split into two half-fees, each held in socage on the annual payment of one penny.
Socage grew at the expense of frankalmoign.
Furthermore, they asked not to be burdened with socage any longer and to be allowed to utilise timber from the forests.
The farming villages of Langenbach and Wildbach were bound by socage service.
The baronies not converted became baronies of free socage, a dignity title.
The military tenant was subject to the feudal incidents, from which the tenant in socage was exempt.
The Hufner had the same social standing as the driver (Einspänner), the owner of a horse and carriage; both were liable for socage.
By the Statute of Tenures 1660, all free tenures (with insignificant exceptions) were converted into socage.
The inhabitants of more than twenty villages in the area had to pay socage to the castle, for example, all villages in the Rödel valley.
Rural tenants who held by socage at first paid rent in the form of produce from the land, but this was gradually substituted by cash payments.