This is not a matter of contempt so much as of sober and even desperate calculation.
There is a place for sober calculation, but also for art, instinct and luck.
Time after time he fired with sober calculation, killing his buffalo with precision.
Bold initiative, laced with sober calculation.
There was sober calculation in his eyes: no guilt or regret, only a simple cunning.
Anger, panic, determination, worry, and sober calculation played across their faces.
But this is a time for sober calculation about events in the Holy Land and their implications for American interests, not for emotionally or electorally satisfying rhetoric.
Iran's reliance on the nonproliferation regime is based on legal commitments, sober strategic calculations and spiritual and ideological doctrine.
Fabeln spoke in a voice of sober calculation.
It is a matter of sober calculation, here in England, that it is softer to work for twenty shillings a week, and have regular food, and a bed at night, than it is to walk the streets.