Oh wait, they did break away at one point to talk about - this is true - the sniper case.
Washington had its sniper case last year, as did West Virginia in August.
Now they are saying John Muhammad, accused in the sniper case, drank here.
The clue that ultimately cracked the sniper case was also recovered the day of the Montgomery shootings.
The elusiveness of the two men is galling but understandable, a senior federal investigator in the sniper case said.
It is possible she will be a witness in the sniper cases.
People who are opposed to the juvenile death penalty were gaining a lot of momentum in this argument until the sniper case.
However, they must pause the planning for another time as Alex is called in to a sniper case.
Mitch and Denny, the murderers in the sniper case, strike again.
With the sniper case having come to an end, Bree and Alex finally get married.