Some species, such as snail kites and apple snails, do well in wet conditions, but wood storks and Cape Sable seaside sparrows (Ammodramus maritimus mirabilis) do well in dryer circumstances.
The snail kite, a bird that nests in the Everglades, is apparently doing well.
Attempts to return natural levels of water to the park have been controversial; Cape Sable seaside sparrows nest about a foot off the ground, and rising water levels may harm future populations, as well as threaten the endangered snail kite.
For example, snail kites were most likely to desert their offspring when supplies of the primary food source - snails - and the rate of nesting success were highest.
Among the wildlife of the park include two hundred species of birds, among them the bald eagle, snail kite and whooping crane.
IN Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, the northernmost stretch of the remaining Everglades ecosystem, the difference that water quantity makes to the Everglades' biological health has been strikingly demonstrated in the case of a hawklike bird called the snail kite.
And the timing and level of flooding is ideal for only some species, which is where the snail kite comes in.
The invasion of Pomacea insularum has possibly affected the endangered snail kite, a specialist predator on the native Pomacea paludosa, which seemingly experienced decreased foraging success and juvenile survival following invasion of Pomacea insularum.
The piping plover had narrowly won out over snail kites in Venezuela as the subject of her master's thesis in environmental science at the University of Massachussetts.