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"Tell me what it is," he said without looking away from that smooth sea.
The Shadow was gone - when last seen, he had been swallowed by the smooth sea.
This was what Ned wanted: settled weather and a smooth sea.
Outside people's homes, fishbowls are filled with smooth sea glass.
Over a smooth sea they had rowed to the mainland in less than three days.
It was also a boring watch, few contacts, smooth seas above.
Then they were out of it and into smooth seas and dry air again.
Niall jumped to his feet and stared out across the smooth sea.
You've had a good voyage, with mild weather and smooth seas.
She ran down to the still, smooth sea.
Almost on the horizon, you could see the faint luminescence of it upon the smooth sea.
Something above moving over a smooth sea prompted Monsoon to chatter.
Like the rest of the region, it is known for its mild climate, smooth sea, and unspoiled nature.
He saw that he had embarrassed her and turned to gaze out over the smooth sea.
The sun sets gloriously on a smooth sea bringing with it a calm and warm night.
After Madeira we were in balmy weather with smooth seas.
When you're losing, you've got a ship in troubled waters instead of smooth seas."
"But a smooth sea never made a skillful mariner," she declared, hope rising.
These exercises were carried out in smooth seas and results were considered favorable.
The hover is solid, easily held, as simple as sitting in a small boat on a smooth sea.
But behind the clouds, the sun seemed to pause, even as the sky around it lightened and the smooth sea sparkled.
A porch with columns framing a smooth sea and untroubled sky is a breathtaking example.
And this morning, in a smooth sea and gentle breeze, the Horn bore almost due north of us not more than six miles away.
"She was sailing across a smooth sea.
There is an African proverb which holds that smooth seas do not make skilful sailors.