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A man of business had a small property in trust for me.
It is not known whether these were for himself to live in or as a small property development business.
Several small properties have also been built on the site.
Morrison himself gave £1000 out of his small property to establish the college.
Union Pacific said only a few small properties had been sold at a loss.
If they were smaller properties it is possible there would be some less traffic.
This is a large tree, however, and not meant to be planted on small properties.
I am a small property owner and landlord in Manhattan.
Other investors have taken the same approach, normally with smaller properties.
"Our message that small property owners were the most in need of reform was heard loudly and clearly."
The plants can grow up to 35 feet tall, but rarely do, making them a good choice for small properties.
Or sell up and move to a smaller property.
Some firms will track only buildings over a certain size; others include smaller properties.
In fact, people who own houses carry the smallest property tax burden of all city residents.
It is not one to be used on a small property where the size of each plant is a key design factor.
During our three-day stay the relatively small property was fully utilized.
Ms. Dunham and her husband moved to a smaller property they had across the road.
Soon large farms would lose space to small properties.
As late as in 1636 they were not considered farmers but owners of small property only.
There were representatives from both the large and small property owners' groups in New York.
'He was making inquiries about various small properties with a view to purchase.
New London's development plan may hurt a few small property owners, who will, in any case, be fully compensated.
As part of the deal on Thursday, a number of smaller properties also changed hands.
Six smaller properties on the estate are let as holiday cottages.
A second, similar but smaller property tax payer's revolt hit Chicago in 1977.