A letter arrived soon after, in his small weak handwriting, giving me full particulars regarding route and trains.
The other magician wrote in his small handwriting that he would be very happy in the acquaintance.
They were all covered in close lines of small, neat handwriting.
The librarian's neat small handwriting was a little archipelago in a sea of white.
It was written in a small crabbed handwriting in very black ink.
He read, in a small distinctive handwriting, "I am not afraid of you now.
There is no way a computer, or many other human beings, will ever be able to decipher my own small, cramped handwriting.
He flipped to the next page and saw it was filled with small, tight handwriting.
Inside were lines and lines of small, neat handwriting.
Each of the narrow lines was filled with small round handwriting in blue Biro.