Shot into the active unit's overload, Cheetor slowly mutated into a feral Transmetal 2 werecat.
Back aboard the space station, one of the Pairan leaders, Ginko, volunteers to slowly mutate into the human form.
As he slowly mutates into a giant fly, Geoff loses body parts, and becomes able to climb walls and digest food with corrosive vomit.
With the exception of this G1a subgroup, all other G persons have 9 at this slowly mutating marker.
As a part of Hobgoblin, he infected Moon Knight with a demonic virus that would slowly mutate him.
They pass their days agonizingly trying to numb their pain beneath layers of hard vices, slowly mutating into forms less and less recognizable.
Shocker then pulls off his mask to reveal that he's slowly mutating into a spider-like creature.
This could exemplify how a meme can mutate slowly under the pressure of its environment (partial technical understanding and simplification for use in the mainstream media).
While some loci seem to mutate slowly, other loci appear to mutate frequently, enhancing the discriminatory power of technique.
Or does genuine caring for a lonely young girl - mixed with grief for his dead sister, Rosie - slowly mutate into something inappropriate?