In general, slow vehicles like bicycles and agricultural machinery are allowed under certain restrictions.
Very durable, slow vehicles with strong firepower, use them as defenders.
The player begins with a relatively unmodified and slow vehicle, that being the Taxi.
You should be alert for pedestrians and slow moving vehicles in traffic.
In recent years large cities have banned the movement of bullock carts and other slow moving vehicles on the main roads.
These drivers share the road with slow vehicles, some barely able to manage 20 miles per hour, creating a hazardous mix of velocities.
The track was widening here, but one slow vehicle could be disaster.
Cruiser - A bulky 50s luxury car that is the slowest vehicle among the line, but also one of the strongest.
Of course, one could take liberties with a slow, forgiving vehicle like this.
Be cautious of slow moving vehicles or vehicles attempting to limit your movement.