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Richard asked, his voice a whiny, irrelevant skirl of sound.
As we headed to our room, a skirl of bagpipes drifted up from the garden.
A skirl of red-brown dust swelled up to block him from view.
Trevor blinked, and the creature was gone in an iridescent skirl.
One can almost hear the skirl of bagpipes on Fifth Avenue.
The whirl and the skirl of impossible music coming at us through miles of solid rock?
The skirl of pipes echoed above the rattle of drums.
For wi' the bang and the skirl the thing had clean disappeared.
As if the thought had summoned it, Winter felt a sudden chill breeze skirl through the apartment.
The high skirl of the lone bagpiper didn't start until the former president passed over the church's threshold.
In the hallway beyond, she could see the front door hanging gently open, admitting moonlight and a skirl of last year's leaves.
Silence fell, except for the wind whose rising skirl began to pierce the heavily insulated walls.
Behind him he heard the desperate skirl of swords, heard also another sound, far more distant and profound.
The phone whispered electronically, a skirl of static that sounded like sand blowing across a beach.
There was a skirl of gleeful laughter.
Two Glover men began a spinning skirl on bladder and woodharp.
"He'll never pass the skirl of fairy pipes," said Shimrod.
One more skirl and one of my pets was going to slit the lady's larynx for her.
A thunder that pummelled the ears and almost drowned out the skirl of the pipers.
He summoned up his Flute of Air and played a few experimental notes, then a stronger skirl.
A frightfully low blood pressure played hide-and-seek behind a skirl of signal so strong it almost washed his screen to white.
Then, from the assembly point, men heard the skirl of bagpipes playing "Blue Bonnets."
Americans love the skirl of the pipes, but they trust a bit of brass and varnish best."
It is the skirl of up-stream pipes and the roll of battle drums which will cause things to happen.
Mopol let out a skirl of rejection.