Fortunately the Senator was far too skillful a performer to end on too high a note.
He was a skillful performer, famed for his playing-up to women.
But in magic school, the skillful performer is in total control.
At an early age Handel became a skillful performer on the harpsichord and pipe organ and later went on to compose music which is listened to this day.
The players weren't to be admired; they were to be ordered about, not skillful performers but serfs.
He is remembered as a skillful performer and inventive puppet maker.
The choreographers, both skillful and attractive performers, seemed at times to be enacting a ritual, but if so it was a private one.
It is easy not to pay due attention to dancers like Don Bellamy, quietly skillful performers whose contributions are consistently high-level though often muted.
Marriott stated,"When one knows how a feat can be accomplished and what to look for, only the most skillful performer can maintain the illusion in the face of such informed scrutiny."
Your President is an extremely skillful performer in public, and so he simply refused to answer those questions he didn't want to answer.