Skilfully using chaff to confuse the Allied radar operators, they found the port packed with brightly lit Allied shipping.
The palace is built of stone, skilfully using the colour and texture of the material.
And can you imagine a piano player or pizza-flinger who can't skilfully use both hands?
Taking geography as an access road to other branches, he skilfully used this multi-disciplinary approach to study Egypt's location, history, culture and future.
Comfortable when taking charge of situations and people, she skilfully uses her own enthusiasm and initiative to motivate others.
Besides, that was always assuming that you could use a knife so skilfully.
This is an example of how a speaker, by skilfully using code switches, can create or "animate" a character within a narrative.
Russia is skilfully using its position as a monopolist on the European energy market.
We must skilfully use the resources we already have and which have been abandoned unnecessarily.
His mouth and hands subdued her, not by force but by skilfully using against her her own desires.