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Many believe this ski school was the first in California.
He is also director of the skiing school in his hometown.
The ski school has 130 teachers; most of them are male and all speak some English.
The ski school fees are the same for adults and children.
At that age, you can sign him up for ski school classes.
The system used at an individual resort was usually based on the knowledge and experience of the ski school director.
For other prices and ski school information, call (800) 227-2754.
A ski school is available, as are indoor change rooms.
"Last year we saw helmets used in ski schools for the first time," he said.
There's a poster of me as a kid in the ski school office.
Daughter is 5.5 and we'd like her to start a beginner ski school class.
Right across from the ski school in the center of Lech.
The hill offers a ski school for both private and group lessons.
We were here to attend perhaps the toughest ski school of them all.
A new meeting place for the ski school has been set up outside the rental shop.
Children get lots of entertaining things to do - and their own ski school.
The ski school offers several programs in addition to the regular classes.
Many resorts are now working toward coordinating day care with ski school.
"I want to call and see how Grace is doing in ski school.
But there can be a build-up at 1850 as the ski school gets going.
Snow usually excellent, and ski school has a very good reputation.
Many of them have spent a semester or more in a ski school."
There is an excellent ski school, where classes are no larger than eight people.
Next season children under 12 who enroll in ski school will be required to wear them.
There are four big ski schools with group lessons, but still only six to eight pupils.