The eyes were two razor cuts in the parchment skin, the mouth an unsmiling hyphen.
He was a skeleton with dried parchment skin.
They would run upon the enigmatical attendant with the sphinx-like face and the parchment skin.
She had the parchment skin and changeless features peculiar to old maids whom no one ever knew in their younger years.
But he was an old man now, with blue-white parchment skin, and long since inactive.
His parchment skin went even whiter and he staggered back clutching at his face.
All his bones seemed to be knobby, pressing out through parchment skin.
Certain machines, housed in a warehouse up the side of the hill, remove the parchment skins from the beans.
I stared at that skull trapped under dry parchment skin.
The dull drooping eye on the ruined side of the face moved above the parchment skin and scars.