The dramatic template of misassorted lovers gravitating toward rightful partners is as symmetrical and comforting as a sitcom plot.
It's only a sitcom plot, though as you watch it you might imagine Dan Rather and Connie Chung speed-dialing their libel lawyers.
Even after six years on the air, it was still the only show that could take a vintage sitcom plot and give it an unusual (and actually rather sweet) twist while doing anything for a silly joke.
Diving for Treasure In the Kitchen Sink It has been a standard sitcom plot, from "I Love Lucy" onward.
Whereas the 1960s stories were basically 1950s sitcom plots in a futuristic setting, the 1980s stories delved into fantastic, sci-fi cartoon territory.
FORGET the Harlequin romance novels and sitcom plots.
All that remains is for someone to bring the sitcom plots together.
These are prime-time sitcom plots?
Up to that point, non-Abba fans and urbane theatergoers (subsets that surely overlap) may have felt an impatience with the show's sitcom plot, earnest performances and elevator-music score.
Sitcom Graveyard (episodes 1-3, 5 and 7): One team reads out three sitcom plots with only one of them being real, the other team has to work out which is real.