The Jackie Thomas Show starred Tom Arnold as a misanthropic sitcom actor.
Baim, a Muslim began his career as a sitcom actor in 2001.
Who knew whether she needed big skinnymalinks from Lanarkshire, but she definitely didn't need rock stars and adolescent sitcom actors.
In addition to a 23-year-career in professional wrestling, Sabaugh was also a sitcom actor and stunt man.
As the levelheaded sitcom actor dispassionately explained, "In wartime people lose their senses."
For the aspiring sitcom actor or game-show host, the work can provide easier access to television's inner circles.
Brandon Brooks (born November 17, 1973 in Nashville, Tennessee) is an American sitcom actor.
In "Houseguest," the stand-up comedian and sitcom actor Sinbad creates a twist on the man who came to dinner.
He was a so-so sitcom actor.
Even during the most ghastly stories this program sounded like an encounter session among five recently canceled sitcom actors and developmentally disabled hairdressers' models.