The term was used particularly to describe long sinuous ridges, which are now known to be deposits of fluvio-glacial material.
These features are low, sinuous ridges formed on the mare surface that can extend for up to several hundred kilometers.
Millions of years later, erosion can remove the softer, less cemented mudstone and leave the more resistant sandstone as a sinuous ridge.
The park also contains an esker, a sinuous ridge of sand and gravel dropped by a stream running under the glacier.
A few sinuous ridges are seen, steep on both sides, and these too may have been raised by interior contraction.
These inverted stream beds are sometimes called sinuous ridges or raised curvilinear features.
The floor of the Caloris basin is deformed by sinuous ridges and fractures, giving the basin fill a grossly polygonal pattern.
Many of the flows have distinctive morphologies, consisting of long, sinuous ridges with discontinuous central lava channels.
They form long, sinuous ridges that radiate outward from the central region of the volcano.
The ornamentation is formed from coarse tubercles that are often fused together as sinuous ridges in various, usually complicated patterns.